Anishinaubaemowin Series by Basil Johnston
The Gift of the Stars. Anangoog Meegiwaewinan (Book 1) Living in Harmony Mino-nawae-indawaewin (Book 2) Walking in Balance Meeyau-ossaewin (Book 3)
Basil Johnston was an esteemed Anishinaabe writer, storyteller, language teacher and scholar. He was born in Wasauksing First Nation in 1929, and was a member of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. Johnston was awarded the Order of Ontario, three honourary doctorates, and the 2013 OAC Aboriginal Arts Award.
“In our ancestors’ ancient society there was only one abiding principle that governed all of life, of whatever species—plants, insect, birds, animals, fish and humans—and that was, “”Live in harmony.”” There were no other laws or commandments. Be of good kinship or respect one another as ought next of kin.
The key to understanding culture is language. Living in Harmony features ten stories in both Anishinaubaemowin and English, with glossaries to assist language learning.
This is the second book in Basil Johnston’s Anishinaubaemowin Series of children’s books. The first, The Gift of the Stars, was released in 2010.