Get all the gear you need as well as the safety gear you want to have on the boat, and buttoned up in a great value gear bag. Not always the same brands, but always the same quality gear you'll love for the family trips, wherever it may take you on your boating experiences!
Pick from an essential-good-better-best-advanced mentality from these great options bundles into the great prices:
-Intro ($119) (Does not include Duffel Bag)
-Primary ($585)
-Gold ($945)
-Platinum ($1,795)
-Reserve ($3,200)
-Medallion ($3,900)
-Primary Products include: (Some picking of products from different manufacturers varies from store/online depending on size of boat, inventory etc... However will come with most current and accurate products for your boating safety gear & Xtra's)
Collapsible Paddle |
Fire Extinguisher QTY 1 (Portable/Handheld) (5 or 10) (110's put out paper Fire's specifically for Houseboats or over 22' boat) Depends on if they need 2nd one or if current one's expired? |
Flag |
Bailing device |
Horn or Whistle |
Specifically HO Seat Cushion Type IV for most Universal (Blue PT# HS-66000800) |